News & Blogs

Public Call for Selecting Iranian Distinguished Mothers

Mother Foundation is going to select and honor Iranian distinguished mothers in a glorious ceremony according to its mission and criteria. For Further information, please refer to the web site

Charter of Mother Foundation

1. Mother Foundation is an international non-governmental organization (NGO) and is not affiliated with any organization, political party, or interest groups. No political activity is permitted or encouraged.

2. Discrimination based on color, race, ethnicity, language, belief, sexual orientation, or religion is prohibited by Mother Foundation.

Criteria for Selecting the World’s Distinguished Mothers

1. A distinguished Mother must have been a good child for her parents.

2. A distinguished Mother must have been a good spouse, loyal, kind, empathetic, partner and be a true companion for her husband.

3. A distinguished Mother must have carried out her duties efficiently towards her children, especially in terms of educational, spiritual, social and taking responsibilities.

4. A distinguished Mother who lives anywhere in the world must have been a good citizen, well-behaved and be a role model for others.

5. A distinguished Mother in her personal/family/social life must have done something special and had a positive impact on society.

You can send the resume of your selected mother to the e-mail address info [at] or WhatsApp No. +989170479393. For Further information, please call the Number +9807132288440 – 2 Internal Number (108).

May Mother’s prayers always be with you
The International Cultural Mother Foundation

Jul 25, 2019
Number of visit : 998
Code : 258


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