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Seven lessons of Japanese parenting style for mothers


Japanese mother

Japanese parenting culture is very different from other cultures. Japanese parents do not spoil their children and encourage their children to become independent from birth. Ethical standards such as honesty, respect and dignity are also strongly promoted. Here are seven lessons from Japanese culture that are recommended for all mothers:
1. Every child is independent: Independence is encouraged by mothers in all personal tasks and is considered as the basis of intellectual and personality independence in adulthood.
2. Mothers do not talk about their children: Japanese mothers do not talk about their children, except for specific problems with trusted people.
3. Mothers constantly hug and cuddle their children: Although this is not shown in public, Japanese mothers are attached to their children, and physical attachment and contact with the child has a special place in their culture.
4. Mothers encourage children to be self-contained: Their children are taught to behave calmly at home and in the community and to avoid violence.
5. Preparing and cooking food is essential for mothers: Meals are rich in Japanese culture, and Japanese mothers spend a lot of time preparing a variety of healthy foods with fresh and nutritious ingredients for the family.
6. Mothers take nature seriously: As attachment and communication are practiced alongside discipline at home, Japanese mothers teach their children to connect with nature and protect it. In this culture, picnics and walks in parks, forests, and nature play an important role.
7. Emphasis on fairy tales and myths: Japanese mothers tell Japanese myths and tales to their children and improve their imagination and also familiarize them with the ancient ceremonies and rituals of their country.



Jul 1, 2021
Number of visit : 977
Code : 310


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