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Familiarizing the society and the young generation to the high position and role of the mother

The first goal of the Mother Foundation is to familiarize the society, especially the young generation, with the high position and role of the mother and to promote and recreate the sacred values of this masterpiece of creation in terms of family, social and cultural aspects.
Currently, the increasing growth of technology, along with its very beneficial achievements, has led to a gap between the new generation and parents, and our society now needs a clear model to achieve this goal. In order to familiarize the young generation with the high position and role of the mother, education is a key step and the foundation of any change in the individual and then society can be sought in correct education. Therefore, in the first step, a written program should be developed to teach the mother's values to the younger generation. For the effectiveness of these trainings, and considering the potential and energy of the young generation, practical workshops for mothers and children should be held in the community and through joint cooperation between the mother foundation and the relevant centers in a regular and purposeful manner. The workshops are held in a safe and calm environment, with the presence of mothers and their children in groups, away from noise and technology.


In these workshops, which are called "mother-child companionship courses" and are held for three months in 12 sessions in nature, the following activities are performed:
1- Teaching family and social life skills
2- Teaching correct and mutual interaction between mother and child
3- Performing recreational and sports programs with the presence of mother and child together
4- Discussion and exchange of views on issues related to this goal of the Mother Foundation
5- Joint activities between mother and child according to the child's age group and needs
The purpose of such courses, which often takes place in nature, is for children to interact as effectively as possible with their mothers and to spend purposeful time with them. Most of the teachings are presented indirectly and in an interactive way so that the atmosphere of the course is as warm and intimate as the atmosphere of their home and not boring for the children. At the end of the course, children are expected to have a high understanding of the status and role of their mothers in their lives and to learn the correct ways of interacting with them individually and socially. At the end of the course, the children will have a reciprocal and intimate relationship with their mothers and will not only recreate but also institutionalize the high values of motherhood, which in itself will have a great impact on the education of future generations.


Sep 24, 2021
Number of visit : 813
Code : 336


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