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The First Ceremony of Selecting and Honoring Distinguished Mothers in Nurabad

The first ceremony of selecting and honoring 10 distinguished mothers of Nurabad in Fars Province was held on September 3, 2016 at 17:00 p.m. in Amirkabir Hall by presence of founder & CEO of Mother Foundation, Gholamreza Mohammadi and authorities of Nurabad.
The list of selected distinguished mothers of Nurabad:
1- Iran Salari
2- Seyedeh Zohreh Shojaiee
3- Mah-bibi Monfared Ardekani
4- Rokhsareh Moemeni
5- Mahnaz Khorshidi
6- Jamileh Ghaderi Fahliani
7- Delbar Bahrami
8- Sakineh Godarzi
9- Sarvgol Bostani
10- Pari Chobineh

نخستین آئین نکوداشت مادران نمونه نورآباد ممسنی

Sep 3, 2016
Number of visit : 826
Code : 99


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